mandag 13. desember 2010

Magnolia Advent Calendar Day 13

Welcome to my blog on my special day in Magnolia's Advent Calendar. Today it is Monday 13th December. And it is also Santa Lucia.
Here are some facts about Santa Lucia:
"Santa Lucia was born to noble, Christian parents in Syracuse, Italy. As a young girl, she took a secret vow to consecrate her virginity to Christ. As a teenager, Lucia's mother tried to arrange a marriage for her with a pagan. Lucia apparently knew that her mother would not be convinced by a young girl's vow so she devised a plan to convince her mother that Christ was a much more powerful partner for life.
Through prayers at the tomb of Saint Agatha, her mother's long illness was miraculously cured. Joyful at her cure, Lucia's mother agreed to bestow Lucia's fortune to the poor. Lucia's pagan suitor was incensed and accused Lucia, before a judge, of being a Christian. When Lucia refused to relinquish her faith, the judge ordered her to a brothel; however, guards who attempted to drag her to the house of sin were unable to budge Lucia. Similarly an attempt to burn Lucia to death failed. She was ultimately stabbed in the throat with a sword, died. The date of Lucy's martyrdom was December 13, 304."
Here are also some facts about how Santa Lucia is celabrated in Sweden:
"Santa Lucia's Day, December 13th, is celebrated in a number of ways by several European nations. In Sweden, the oldest (or youngest) daughter in each household traditionally carries a tray of coffee and traditional pastries, called lussekatter (Lucy cats), to her parents before they arise in the morning. She wears a white gown, scarlet sash, and a crown of greens with four, seven, or nine lighted candles. Her brothers, wearing white shirts and tall, cone-shaped hats decorated with stars, and her sisters, all in white and carrying lighted candles, follow her. In many towns, a "Santa Lucia" is chosen to carry coffee and buns to each house. She and her followers, each bearing a lighted candle, sing carols as they traverse the dark streets while St. Steven, represented by a man on horseback, leads the way. The procession is done in memory of Santa Lucia's traverse through dark woods to bring bread and other food to the poor."
So this is the tradition where Pauline gets her ideas for the Lucia images of Tilda and Edwin:)
I was planned to make some Lucy cats for today. But instead I got caught up with this little project! I have for some time now wanted to make a book. I got the idea from the talented Pia Bau.
I haven't found any tutorial for these books, so I had to improvise:)) Just as it is said, this is my first attempt to make a book of papers.
For this I have used my favourite Santa Lucia stamp, Star Tilda. And when it is all my day, I have choosen to have it in pink;))
This is the front of the book/box. It is decorated with Magnolia papers, Prima flowers, and cream roses from Hjerteboden. The text "With all my love" is from the Winter Kit, You are so Special Collection 2011.
The box measures 11x15 cm.
On the backbone I have made the letters from a new die that I got together with my new Sizzix BIG SHOT!! A Christmas present from Bjarne:)) I just love my Big Shot! And I didn't manage to wait untill Christmas Eve to open it up, I ripped it up at once! The letters are from Tim Holtz and are called Vintage Market. I have inked them with Distress Ink-Walnut Stain, and then added Crackle Accents onto them. The paper is bazzill-Vanilla (the one I use the most).
 If you don't already know, "jul" means "Christmas" in Norwegian. And "God Jul" - "Merry Christmas".
Under you can see the inside of the book/box. It is not so pretty. I think I have to come up with something to do it more prettier. But I think if I fill the box with chocolate or something else nice, it will look better.
I have used Water Colour paper 180 g for the book. I have folded it on each 1 cm. Then inked it with Distress Ink-Walnut Stain. And to get a more old look I have added Crackle Paint-Rock Candy (clear) to it.
I have made a matching card to the book/box. I actually made the card first:) This Star Tilda is stamped with Archival Ink-Jet Black. But the one on the book is stamped with Archival Ink-Coffee.
For her pink dress I have mixed the colours Tattered Rose, Aged Mahogany and Weathered Wood. For her hair I have used Antique Linen and Walnut Stain. And skin: Vintage Photo, Tattered Rose.
I have also put a Star Anise between the flowers.
Under you can see the card from above.
Here comes the last photo! The whole set again:)
I really hope you liked my post, and if you leave me a comment today (or in the next 24 hours) under this post, you are in the draw of winning a surprise from Magnolia!!
I wish you all Good Luck!!

388 kommentarer:

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Noemi Noesmi sa...

I love the book/box.

Simply adorable with a confortable colours.


Maria Therese sa...

Urolig fint kort og eske!! Og så lekkert fargelagd!!

Camilla sa...

Jag tror inte att det finns så mycket mera att tillägga Camilla.
YOU Are A Big Star...
Helt sagoligt vackert i Rosa och Vitt.
Målningen är helt ljuvligt och så otroligt proffsigt.
Och Boken likaså.
Så fint dekorerat och förstår att du inte kunde vänta till julafton:))
Grattis till dagenens vackraste kort, det kan jag lova.
Kramar Camilla

Toneloni * Tonje sa...

wow camilla - denne er jo bare helt fantastisk. Masse lekre detaljer å drukne i. Denne kommer jeg til å se på mange ganger og lenge.



arjette sa...

Hi hi,

waauuuww what a beautifull book!!!! I love it, so beautifully colored, everything fits, it's gorgeous!!!!!!!!!

gr. arjette.

Ashley sa...

gorgeous work! love the idea! i will give this a try in the nearby future!

cardmaking bird sa...

Such a beautiful project - and some fascinating info about Saint Lucia!! Marie xx
P.S. There's candy over at my blog!!!

Gry-Beate sa...

Himmel og hav, så nydelig!!! Rene mesterverket, og så kjempe herlige farger du har brukt. Det motivet er utrolig flott, og nydelig malt!!



Oh this is stunning hun, such a fantastic idea xxx

Jane sa...

Oh Camilla, both creations are completely stunning! Gorgeous colouring, colours and details and the book box is incredible! Love how you've done the "pages", thank you so much for the inspiration and the chance to win! hugs, Jane xxx

Kylie sa...

Hi Camilla! I was wondering when it was gong to be your turn! Thank you so much for the info about St Lucia, I didnt know much before so not only was your post stunning and inspirational in a crafty way, but also educational :) Your book is just beautiful! I'm off to checj out Pia's blog :)
Kylie xx

Johanne Limoges sa...

I love this project, the colours and the distress. Thanks for sharing,
Johanne L.

Anna A sa...

Wow, Beautiful projects. The box and the card are wonderful.
Lovely colours and details.
A star Tilda´is my favorite too.
Merry Christmas,
from Anna A

Anonym sa...

Åh så fint :)

Charlotte H sa...

Kjempenydelig begge deler! Du er en kjempestor inspirasjonskilde for meg. Elsker Magnolia, og finner alltid noe nytt å sette på ønskelisten min når jeg ser på kortene dine. Du er kjempeflink! Gleder meg til å se flere fantastiske kreasjoner!

Ha en fin førjulstid!

Lena sa...

Super nice! So well done Camilla!

Lousan sa...

Sååå underbart snyggt!!!
Härlig färg och så många fina detaljer.
Ha en trevlig Lucia!
Kram Lousan

Susan Weaver sa...

This is a masterpiece! Simply gorgeous. You are very talented.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Susan Weaver

Antoinette sa...

I adore your lovely book project, it's beautiful. I've been looking for a tutorial as well, but haven't found it either. Thanks for explaining St Lucia, I love the stamps, but it's something we don't know here in The Netherlands. Sure hope there's a Bigshot underneath the Crhistmas tree for me as well :D.
Thanks for the inspiration!

Tina sa...

again such a beautiful work of art, I love this playful things
lG Tina

Monique sa...

It's gorgious Camilla !!! I love it :)).

Hugs Monique

Henrikke sa...

Legger gjerne igjen en kommentar til deg. Du er så utrolig flink Camilla og jeg er like imponert hver eneste gang. Du fargelegger helt fantastisk, blomstersammensetningen er alltid like bra og fargene du bruker passer alltid perfekt sammen. Du har alltid fult av forskjellige detaljer som gjør at en blir sittende å se og se på kortene dine og lete. Jeg finner ny ting på hvert eneste kort som jeg ikke så sist gang. Du er helt utrolig talentfull og en fantastisk kunstner. Håper på å vinne overraskelsen fra Magnolia :)

Stor klem fra Henrikke

Anonym sa...

Åååh, underbart kort och box!!!

Sheila - Ginger sa...

Camilla you box is absolutely stunning!!!

Sheila x

Mo sa...

Dear Camilla!
Your card and book are utterly stunning - I love every single detail on it...!!!
Big Hugs,

Helle sa...

Hejsa Camilla
Wauw, hvor er det bare en flot æske du har lavet, med alle de flotte detaljer på. Du er virkelig dygtig. Stor buket roser til dig for din flotte kreativiteter.
Tusind tak for at jeg har chancen for at vinder dagens kalender gave.
Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår til alle, og håber vi får mange kreative ting lavet i det nye år.
De bedste hilsner fra Helle i Danmark

Lynda Nielsen sa...

Oh this is BEAUTIFUL... Even the inside. Once you put something inside it, you will see. You won't need to do another thing. Your coloring is FABULOUS!!! Thank you so much for this inspiration. I might have to give it a try.

Marina and Nola sa...

Very nice! I have to try this! My friends would love it, I'm sure...

Hugs, Marina

Lena B sa...

Vilket fint kort och vilken fin bok/box du gjort! Jättefint, så fina färger!

(DT Tina, som hade lucka nr 12, har en tutorial hur man gör en bok i sin blogg idag.)

Önskar dig en trevlig Luciadag!

Lena B

Martina sa...

Just beautiful!

Maïté sa...

This is a lovely box! Really refine! Congrats!


kreative basteltante sa...

I love this project, the colours and the distress.
Hugs Manuela

steffie2005 sa...

Super die Idee und sooo schön.
Liebe Grüße

Emmy sa...

vilket underbart projekt!!!
Älskar din färgläggning och hur du alltid får med så mkt detaljer på dina alster utan att det blir rörigt, bara välstämt och vackert!

Tusen tack för inspirationen!

Emmy sa...

vilket underbart projekt!!!
Älskar din färgläggning och hur du alltid får med så mkt detaljer på dina alster utan att det blir rörigt, bara välstämt och vackert!

Tusen tack för inspirationen!

Anonym sa...

Oooh, så snyggt!

Marion sa...

This is stunning Camilla. Beautiful image and beautifully decorated. Thanks for showing us.

Helene sa...

Waw, this is a gorgeous project!

Courtot sa...

j'aime beaucoup cette carte/livre. tu as beaucoup de talent.
Bonne fête de Sainte Lucie !

Randi Th. sa...

Utrolig vakkert!
Ha en fin dag!

Liz's creative corner sa...

Wow Camilla, these are beautiful hun, gorgeous details and perfect colouring, thanks for all the info and the story, which I must admit I didn't know,

Love your flowers and the double layers behind the image look fab, might be borrowing that idea sometime if that's ok, thanks again for the inspiration, hugs Liz xx

Maritha sa...

MEN ÅHHHH det här var ju bara så fint att man storknar!!! Helt makalöst vilket jobb du gjort! Man finner inte ens rätt ord för det...JÖSSES!!! =)
Ha en bra dag
Kram Maritha

Linn Iren sa...

Så fin den va! Har sett noen sånne bok kort,men dette va en av de fineste. Å dere alle som har laget denne julekalenderen e så flink å farge motivene å sette sammen kortene så pent! Dette va virkelig pent!
Klem fra Linn Iren

Marion Kuipers-van Eijsden sa...

What a great story that you shared about Saint Lucia! Never knew that!
And your little project is so beautiful! I would love to give this a try!
Thanks for showing and telling us!
With love

melanie.castenmiller sa...

ahh so lovely, an super cute!
i really love this idea and you coloring!

hugs melanie

July sa...

Il y a tellement de travail dans cette œuvre. C'est tellement jolie. Wow... vraiment très réussi.

Bonne journée,

x laura x sa...

wow, this is so beautiful. i will be giving this a go for sure. I love everything about it. I also love my big shot and i will be looking for the tim holtz vintage letters.
Just beautiful.
x laura x

Anonym sa...

Oh Camilla, it's a beautiful! Thank you so much for the info on St. Lucia. I so admire your work!

1000etincelles sa...

Hi !! how BEAUTY-FULL is that !!! so pretty ! lot of inspiration in there ! :)

citronlime sa...

Oh my...helt underbar!!! Ljuvlig! Ja jag finner inte ens ord för hur jag ska beskriva den!

Ingrid sa...

What a beautiful box and card made in your pretty style! So romantic and vintage...
Hugs Ing

Eva sa...

LOVE IT! Så himla snygg ochsupeerfint målad var Tilda.

Rita sa...

beautiful project!

vicmbee sa...

wow!! gorgeous book box and card.. thanks for sharing facts about Santa Lucia.

Gabi Lied sa...


Deirdre sa...

Thank you for telling us the story of Lucia. Now the stamp means more to me than just a cute stamp. the book is very clever. Beautiful coloring.

Merry Christmas!

cowboydutrem sa...

That's really beautiful! I love the idea of a book card!

Tini A. sa...

what a sweet and lovely work! WONDERFUL!

Vinglefrøken sa...

Nydelig kort og eske - du har virkelig talent for dette! :-)

virginie13 sa...

coucou, c'est magnifique, bises

Janne sa...

Åhhh det var så nydelig!! Veldig kjekt at du har brukt en annen farge enn advent-/julefarger. Nydelig fargelagt og perfekte detaljer:)
Snakkes i kveld!
Stor klem:0)

Brook sa...

Beautiful project! Your coloring, the flower, doily, everything is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing with us!

Elfepigen sa...

Mundlam...det er vist det der forklarer mine følelser lige nu ;) hvor er det bare guddommeligt ;)

Rigtig god Lucia dag til dig.

KanataNewf sa...

absolutely lovely!

Plundis sa...

WOW!! Superflott!! Digger disse bøkene som blir laget og din var bare helt nyyyydelig!!
Ønser deg også en riktig god jul!!

Klem -Gro-
aka Plundis

Jennifer sa...

Oh my gosh I love your little book box!!! It is just gorgeous!!! Thanks for the great inspiration... and a chance to win a prize.

Jennifer Richards

Patty sa...

Hi Camilla,
I like your Magnolia projects a lot. You bring the stamps alive with your way of coloring. So beautiful ! If I see your Gingerbread Tilda, I can taste the cookies in my mouth and your Saint Lucia is so sweet. Merry Christmas !!!

MarieL sa...

It is absolutely stunning, Camilla. I love the book and all the wonderful embellishments.
Thank you for telling us the complete story of Santa Lucia.

Thank you for the chance to win a gift from Magnolia.

PatS sa...

How very special! Your book/card design is fabulous and I especially love your information about Santa Lucia and the tradition in Sweden. You are one talented lady! Happy Santa Lucia day!

Ateliê e Oficina Scrapbook sa...

I adore your lovely book project, it's beautiful.
Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonym sa...

sooo wunderful...thank you for the inspiration!

greetings, Michaela.

Karin sa...

Så vackert, både boken och kortet! Du är en stor inspirationskälla!

Gerdie sa...

Happy Lucia!!!!

Anne B. sa...

Absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful coloring.

Unknown sa...

C'est très beau le coffret Santa Lucia! Bravo!

Stepha7 sa...

superbe !!!! bravo

Cina99 sa...

Det här är bara fööör vackert! Du behöver inte alls fylla insidan med något för ingen choklad i världen kan göra gåvan sötare :D

Linda sa...

Men vilken fin!
Helt underbara färger!

Kaartengek17 sa...

one word..

hug marion

god_chaser sa...

Amazingly beautiful! God Lucia dag!

Susanne sa...

Your book and card are very, very nice!

Dany sa...

It´s beautiful.

Hugs Dany

Heike sa...

Very well done. Thank you for sharing

Gry-Heidi sa...

*sukk* så utrolig lekkert !!

Klem, Gry-Heidi :)

virginie sa...

Waouh dis donc que c'est sublime je susi sous le charme kiss on the france

Sigrid Klingenberg sa...


What a really lovely, amazing, beautiful and 1000 more positive words, I have for the book you made. Really love your project.

Med vennlig hilsen


Durvina sa...

This one is really awesome!

hugs, Durvina

Anonym sa...

Hello Camilla,
i just have one word for your book-box-card.....
Yhank you for sharing your lovely project.
Have a great Christmas.

Sabina sa...


thank you for showing your great biik card. It's verygood

dmbennett sa...

Beautiful book and card. Love the colors you used and all the great flowers and lacy doilies you used.

Jayne Hayward sa...

Absolutely adorable. You are a very talented crafter and I adore how you have created the box. You have coloured the image in beautifully and the flowers are just gorgeous.

Jayne xx

Pam sa...

I love your beautiful book and card. You did a fantastic job of coloring. TFS
Hugs from Indiana in the USA,

maddy hill sa...

oh my my ,how utterly beautiful and so very special ! totally outstanding !
I love the tradition of coffee and buns being served by the daughters , we could do with that tradition in England !


Unknown sa...

Wow it's so beautiful!!! Love colours you used! It's so cute!

Random Acts of Krafting sa...

What a super project! WOW.

Fabella sa...

Wow, this is absolutly gorgeous. What a great idea and a fabulous work, love all the details and the colors you used!

Diana Louwerens sa...

Wow I'm totally in love with your project, it's sooooo beautiful
Today is my birthday and these pictures of this lovely "book" is a great gift, I can watch this for hours
thank you for the great inspiration

Dawn sa...

I love your book! THe cover is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing the tradition of Santa Lucia.

Louise sa...

Absolutely stunning, love all the details

Unknown sa...

Woh what a very nice work you made.
Absolutely georgius.
Big hugs
Jose from Holland

TinaM sa...


Julia sa...

Absolutely beautiful work. Love the colors.

Carolinne Kratz M. Rosa sa...

This card is gorgeous! Love the colors, and the maggie. It's a great gifs for Christmas. Congrats!



Jean sa...

Dear Camilla, I got so lost in your story that the picture and book took second place.. what an amazing story, one I had never heard before and am so excited you shared it with us... without we would never have known what this adventure we were on was really all about.
The box is simply exquisite, the coloring of Tilda, the flowers, the doily, the inside is so stunning and done without a pattern is even more stunning.. I love the pocket and your little tag and how you described to us how you made your box.. sounds easy enough.. :) then on top of that to make an most gorgeous card witht he same Tilda with the Star Anise between the flowers.. so beautiful... I will be a treasure anyone would absolutely love and fulled with candy or kisses it will be magnificent...
Hugs, Jean

Debs M sa...

what a stunning project, absolutely gorgeous! x

Sesse sa...

Nydelig kort og eske. Du lager utrolig mye flott *smelt*

Cathy Lee sa...

Camilla, what a magnificent Project. Very beautifully done.

Cathy Lee

Unknown sa...

Hvilken utrolig fin æske og flot kort. Du er meget talentful. Ha' en dejlig jul.

Angela sa...

Vakkert rett og slett :)

Barb Hardeman sa...

This is a stunning project. Thank you for the story of Santa Lucia, I had no idea before. A very interesting part of history! Your box and matching card are exquisitely done! Beautiful workmanship!

Bianca sa...

This is so amazing! Love everything on your boxcard! xx Bianca

Naomi sa...

Beautiful box, excellent/perfect for a gift this X-Mas :D thanks for the idea ;)

Lots of love!
Happy Holidays!


Veronica sa...

Fantastiskt fint som vanligt!
Tack snälla du för all inspiration du alltid ger oss!

God Jul och Gott Nytt År!

Felis_bunte_Welt sa...

Your book/box is wonderful.


Judi sa...

Absolutely FANTASTIC work! I love your book, it's SO pretty.


Judi x

Kathy JH sa...

This is simply gorgeous! Love the colors and the attention to detail. Thank you for the information about St. Lucia.
Hugs, Kathy JH

Carolas lilla Vrå sa...

Lovely card. Beautifully composed.

Gina sa...

BONK!! Did you that noise? That was because I fall down because of this woooonderful box and card!!

They're great!!

I wish you a very merry christmas!!
Greetings from Germany!


Becca Fabozzi sa...

This is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! I JUST love it so much. The colors are delish, so soft and pretty. Thanks so much for chance to win.

Elise sa...

This is absolutely INCREDIBLE! my goodness Camilla! What a truly MAGNIFICIENT book! sigh ... STUNNINGLY GORGEOUS!

Thank you for the info on Santa Lucia! :) I never knew any of that!


Sherry sa...

Wonderful work...I love all the details anyone would be overjoyed to receive this as a gift.

Turid sa...

Åh! Denne var fantastisk flott Camilla. Jeg fant en oppskrift på den i går, og gjett om den skal prøves før jul!
Takk for titten og inspirasjon fra bloggen din igjen. Du er utrolig flink.
Ha en fin luciakveld.
Hilsen Turid :)

kat9 sa...

Wow, absolutely beautiful. Love the vintage look.

Jo sa...

Hello Camilla!
Good Saint Lucia!
I'm Giorgia and I'm writing from Italy
I, too, long ago, the birthday girl with my grandfather ... I was a child ... unfortunately he's gone, and with him, we lost this tradition ...
Anyway ...
you have really done a wonderful job
This book is wonderful, I can not believe this is the first time you do ..
Really compliments! You were very good!
I really do sparkle your eyes with your wonderful works !!!!!!!

Kathi sa...

Hi Camilla,
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful... this is an awesome set and thank your for sharing the details on how you made it look all that pretty.
XX Kathi

Conny Heitmann sa...

Wonderful. I like it. It is so lovely. Please where can I find the Tutorial from this book?

Sorry my english isnt so good.
Thanks for your idea

Unknown sa...

Oh my goodness Camilla, that card/box is just so stunning!! So much detail and so beautifully coloured, I couldn't stop looking. I had never red the story of St. Lucia, that poor girl the way she came to her end! Of course I know the song Santa Lucia, but from now I will always think of this story when I hear it! Creative greetings, Frea

Jessie sa...

Wow, this is so beautiful! I love the letters you have added and all the pretty touches!

Anonym sa...

Thank you for telling us about St. Lucia - very interesting. The card - book you made is wonderful.
Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us.

Lori K.
Pittsburgh, PA

Pat sa...

Just Beautiful!!!!!

Maryann Laursen sa...

WOUW one more of these gorgeous books. It is just soooo wonderful made and looks just stunning. Thanks for sharing this beauty with us. I´m completely in awe over this one and all the beauty.

Christine Schärfer sa...

Det är jätte fint. Så söt och romantisk. Önskar dig en trevlig vecka.

Christine S

Tiina sa...

Wau, this is absolutely lovely. So many many lovely details and the idea to make it like book but it is a box :)

Kattiz sa...

Kanonfin kortbok! Måste nog försöka mig på en liknande. God Jul!

Tammi sa...

Camilla these are just gorgeous! So many pretty details to look at, your creations are always a joy to look at! ~hugs

Katia sa...

this is absolutly gorgeous. What a great idea and a fabulous work, love all the details and the colors you used!!!!!!


Rednoserunpet sa...

vad fint.. jag älskar luciadagen. det finns inte i tyskland.. ta en lott och hoppas at jag vinner... hälsning

Renee sa...

You guys are all so amazingly talented. I'm just so amazed. thanx so much for sharing your talent with us.

LINDA W. sa...

Hi Camilla!!!! Beautiful book and
card love your coloring and all your embellies....first time to
your blog and I will be back.Thanks
for sharing the story of Santa Lucia
I am wishing you and your family Christmas Blessings from
a ranch in USA Texas

SannaS sa...

oh WOW!!! Absolutely gorgeous creations!!! =)
Hugs, SannaS

Zima sa...

Åh vilken fin bok/box!!! Bedårande söt!

Kimba-Slydog sa...

What a wonderful set!!! As always. I'm such a fan from your work. Just brilliant.

Wish you a wonderful christmas time.

Nicole sa...

superbe livre.une pure merveille. bravo

Anonym sa...

Beautiful Tilda creation Camilla! Love her pink and sparkly dress! Lovely gift presentation! TFS!
Pam Going Postal

Sonni sa...

Was für eine tolle Idee
Superschön gestaltet und Farbharmonie pur

Therese sa...

Underbart fint.....som vanligt!!!
Man blir aldrig besviken när man tiitar in hos dig!

Carol sa...

Camilla this is absolutely stunning!! You've now inspired me to want to try and make a book box, it's really lovely! Such a fab gift for somebody special. Thanks for sharing. Lotsa luv xxxx

annes paperfun sa...

Ååå noe så utrolig vakkert!!!
Nydelig arbeid og du maler jo bare så vakkert!
Ha en fortsatt fin førjulstid.
KLem Anne

Fefè sa...

WOW ... it's fantastic!!!

freaky sa...

sooo sweet and it look like so romantic!! I love it!!

hugs, Nicole

paola sa...

This projet is just phenomenal!! absolutely stunning coloring and i love this idea, will have to try something similar. BEAUTIFUL!!
Paola sa...

How beautiful! And thank you for the history of Santa Lucia. I always wondered who she was.

Unknown sa...

wow! Such prettiness! I love it all and am loving the Lucia Tildas - thanks so much for the history of St Lucia. I have been curious. Also I was a young girl when I visited Hardanger and it is somewhere I have always wanted to return to with my husband to show him how amazing it is there. Alas not yet! Merry Christmas to you!

Gurkiss sa...

Oooh WOW WOW WOW that´s all I can say :)

I really LOVE this wonderful creation.

Hugs Gurkiss

Anonym sa...

Wow!!Beautiful work, love everything about it.Thanks for sharing!!
Alicia (USA)

Christina C. sa...

What an incredible work of art, Camilla! Phenomenal creation coloring of that sweet image.

Anonym sa...

Really very elegant!!
Davvero molto elegante!
Silvia (Italy)

Yvonne sa...

Wow, what a wonderfull project. Allthough you did not have a tutorial on it and you had to improvise, I think it worked out great! I love the flowers on both the card and book. Love Yvonne

♥♥RubyM:)♥♥ sa...

O M G!!!!!! STUNNING AND THE Coloring is GORGEOUS! Your ideas are always inspiring.Thanks for sharing i will certainly will come back and look some more,RubYM:)

Miria sa...

Hi, Camilla ! Thank you for sharing such a beauty! Hugs from Italy. Miria

Karyle sa...

Stunning...I love the colors you chose. This is one of my favorite images and the project that you created with her.

Yvonne sa...

Oh lalalala!
what a beautiful and great idea!
I love it!!!

merry christmas,

Miranda sa...

OMG these book is so gorgeous, lovely sweet colours and you can hide something inside, really a very nice idea


Sol sa...

Såååååå Nyyyydelig! Jeg bare elsker den Vintage looken som du har på alle dine kort! Alt blir så sart og Nydelig!!! Å alt det arbeidet du må ha hatt med å lage denne boken?. Resultatet ble Lekkert i allefall!..

Ble bare LITT misunnelig på deg og din nye kutte maskin!!! Har begynt å fundere på noe sånt jeg også... Da min Wizard ikke kutter ut mine Magnolia dies! -Kanskje er det fordi mine kutte plater er godt brukt??? Ellers vet jeg ikke hva jeg gjør feil.
Kan jeg spørre deg... Hvor brede dies kan denne nye maskinen din kutte???. Tenker på om den kanskje kan kutte større dies også?? eller??

Kos deg på Lucia dagen! og Riktig God Jul!

Ann-Louise sa...

Så himla fint bok/box kort. Älskar den söta stämpeln. Det ger så mycket inspiration att se allt fint.

Heike's Creativeplace sa...

I can only say WOW WOW, this is soooo beautiful. Love it.


DGirlLV sa...

WOW, this is absolutely gorgeous, love the very pretty colors!

Christine sa...

yourwork is really stunning! I love your fake book
little angel

Anonym sa...

Hello Camilla
Your project is so beautiful and thank you for the story of santa Lucia.Happy Christmas to you and your family.Stella

Niina sa...

So cute :)

Sharman sa...

This is so adorable. I love this whole idea...Your work is just stunning and I do not blame you for not waiting till Christmas for your new toy!!!!!

**Milu** sa...

I just LOVE your boxed Tilda!
You can send it to ME!
Merry Christmas

Cora sa...

How adorable... love your work!

Fairy sa...

Bonjour Camilla
Je ne connaisais pas l'histoire de Lucia maintenent c'est fais Merci
Ta carte livre est magnifique j'adore toute cette douceur qui en resort Bravo

Caterina sa...

Un'opera d'arte! Camilla hai fatto un lavoro magnifico.

Anonym sa...

What a nice book and so beautiful details. A great idea and really stunning!

Jeanette ♥ sa...

Fantastisk laget av deg som vanlig ;o)

Nydelige detaljer og herlige farger.

Klem Jeanette

Ulrika sa...

Underbart fint!!

Karen sa...

Absolutely adorable & creative. Wonderful work! Love everything about it.

tazwwoman sa...

This is just such an ambitious project.

Conny sa...

Soooooooo beautiful!!!

Net sa...

That is just beautiful!

Its really lovely.

Carole RB sa...

This is a gorgeous book! Have a nice day!

Christina / Synål / Stina sa...

Så underbart målat inte minst men allt är ju såååå fint.
Tack för attt vi fick se detta

Renkata sa...

OMG this is the most amazing book/box I have ever seen.
Divine project dear!

paperpapier sa...

what a great project! The book box is amazing!

Anonym sa...

What a fabulous blog, I love it, thank you for sharing not just the Christmas calendar but also everything else, it's so inspirational. Thank you. :-)

janine sa...

Absolutely lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the idea and, well just love everything!

Ellen sa...

Very beautiful projects!


Tiiti sa...

Wow! How cool is that! Absolutely gorgeous. Love the soft colors and the whole idea of this book.

Unknown sa...

What a beautiful book box is this!! I'm still searching for a tutorial.
It's a great project for a gift.


Lauretta See sa...

THIS IS STUNNING!! i love it all.. great job! Thank you also about the little story of Saint Lucia :)

Hugs xx

Julye sa...

Your book/box is beautiful and something to treasure, thankyou for sharing the story of Lucia it is so intresting learning of other cultures and traditions.

Marga sa...

Wauww what a great book/box you have made. And the story was great to.

Hugs Marga

Dorte sa...

Åh Camilla, hvor er det smukt.
klem fra Dorte

Diane sa...

These are both such amazing projects, Camilla - so incrediblt beautiful!
Diane x

mireille.vh sa...

wauw camilla what a beautifull project,well done,and i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year,greetings mireille

Ila sa...

Absolutely Beautiful!!!...both the card and box are Amazing and Gorgeous!!...Hapy Holidays!!..Hugs, Ila

Ute sa...

this is a BEAUTIFUL book - and I love Star Tilda in pink ! And I also like the inside - it DOES look pretty ! A wonderful job !
Wishing you all the best for the Season,


Esther sa...

Wow, what a wonderful project, ans what a great story about St Lucia.

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